An industrial scale problem

An increasing number of high value, innovative medicines are being approved for use based on ‘emergent’ and / or ‘extrapolated’ data.

Whilst in these circumstances Manufacturers understandably seek to optimise pricing based on expected patient outcomes, Health Systems require a more cautious approach to ensure ‘value-for-money’.

The current paradigm is ‘data poor’ and seeks to resolve this gap in needs through negotiation on price rather than a non-adversarial technology partnership approach which balances the interests of both sides.

This can result in delays (and inequity) in market access, resulting in uncertainty that is hostile to Manufacturer’s R&D efforts and having profound consequences for health outcomes.

Continuing scientific innovation and access to its benefits demand that data quality is improved and that new pricing and reimbursement models that fairly recognise significant R&D investment and ensure clinical / cost effectiveness be found.

The AIM4ALL data-ready, ‘Living Lab’ (research) environment is being formed to overcome these data inadequacies and the political and policy constraints that typically inhibit the exploration of innovative approaches.

AIM4ALL’s objective is to establish a ‘21st Century innovative partnership approach’ which is better for Health Systems and Manufacturers and accelerates access to innovative medicines for patients.

The first Phase of AIM4ALL’s work, undertaken by the Scottish Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre (DHI) in collaboration with NHS Scotland, has been successfully completed and was presented in Scottish Parliament on 20th February , 2024.

AIM4ALL is now moving towards the second Phase of its work in which datasets will be agreed and tracked in a live environment.

In parallel, relationships are being built and early learnings are being shared with Health Systems and Health Plans in multiple jurisdictions and a small coalition of Manufacturers is being formed to help shape the AIM4ALL ‘Living Lab’ (research) environment including its governance and engagement protocols.